My New YouTube Channel!
I started a brand new YouTube channel focusing on homemaking, hospitality, family life, and food. I hope you’ll join me! Today I’m sharing my introduction on YouTube and a little bit about our family.

Hi! My name is Melissa Ringstaff and I’m excited to welcome you to my brand new YouTube channel where I plan on sharing videos on homemaking big family life Hospitality recipes!
Just honestly what I really want is just to inspire you to be a better Homemaker to be the kind of Homemaker that you want to be and that I know you can be.
I’ve been writing about homemaking on my blog at since 2001. and I have another website at So, you may have seen me around before. I’ve been online blogging for over 22 years now so it’s been quite a while!
Table of Contents
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About Me
A little bit about me I am 47 years old and I’ve been a homemaker for 32 years. If you’ve never read my testimony you can read that here. I had my son when I was 15 years old and I might share more about that in a video sometime – but I’ve been a homemaker for 32 years.

Homemaking Inspiration
Homemaking is just so near and dear to my heart. I love inspiring other women to enjoy their homes enjoy their families and to really be and to really embrace their role as a homemaker. And whether you work outside the home or whether you’re home full-time like I am, I believe we’re all called to the ministry of homemaking. I really hope to inspire you in your journey as a homemaker!
A Little About Our Family Life
My husband and I have been married for 25 years when we got married he had four kids, I had three kids, and then we had two so that’s nine altogether and so far we have 17 grandkids! For the last two and a half years now, we’ve been raising four of my stepdaughter’s children so we have them at home.
I homeschooled my five children for 23 years. My youngest daughter is 20 years old and she’s now away at college. She’s been there for a couple of years now and I’ve been dealing with all of those emotions of my last baby leaving home and that’s been a real challenge for me!

Having her leave home hasn’t been easy for me, and as I’ve been dealing with my last child moving out (empty nest syndrome) I’ve also been dealing with the transition of having some of my grandchildren move in with us and having the responsibility of raising them.
So I’ve really had to juggle a lot of different family situations and scenarios over the years, we obviously have a really big family! I love having everybody at home, come home for visits and for the holidays and I just really love big family life!
I love having all of our family here at the house and I have quite a bit of experience with raising kids and managing a home. I’m certainly not perfect but I do have a lot of experience, so I feel like I have a lot that I can offer and share with you.
So I hope to be able to join you in your homemaking journey and I hope you’ll come alongside with me! So you can hit that subscribe button on YouTube, I would really appreciate your support and let’s see where this goes!